Good Trouble

I’ve been among the privileged to be with Rep. John Lewis on a few occasions over the past few years. During many of the meetings, I listened to him tell a story of when he as a young teen. He would go to visit places like Selma or Birmingham or Montgomery. He would see signs on the building entrances that said, “Whites Enter Here,” and “Blacks Enter Here.” When he went home, he would ask his mother and father why those signs existed. They said, “That is just the way it is. Don’t get in the way. Don’t get in trouble.”

But one day, he read about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. He was inspired on that day to go out into the world and get in trouble – necessary trouble, good trouble – to change the world. At his core, he believed in the goodness of the human soul. His relentless faith in our capacity to love one another is indeed what has changed the world for good. 

Let that be our lesson on this day as we say goodbye to an Elder, a wise soul who spoke of love, justice, and equality until his last breath. Because of all he taught us, we must be brave in the face of injustice and vow that we, too, will get in the way for good. 

I thank God for the life of Rep. John Lewis. We are better because he was among us. May the same be said of each of us.


Prayer for the Week

Blessed are they who fall in the mud, who jump with gusto and rip the pants, who skin the elbows, and bruise the ego, for they shall know the sweetness of risk.

Blessed are they who make giant mistakes, whose intentions are good but impact has injured, who know the hot sense of regret and ask for mercy, for their hearts will know the gift of forgiveness.

Blessed are they who have seen a D or an F or C or any letter less than perfect, who are painfully familiar with the red pen and the labels as “less than,” for they know the wisdom in the imperfect.

Blessed are they who try again, who dust off, who wash up, who extend the wish for peace, who return to sites of failure, who are dogged in their pursuit, for they will discover the secret to dreams.

Blessed are they who refuse to listen to the naysayers, for their hearts will be houses for hope.

Blessed are they who see beyond the surface of another, for they will be able to delight in the gift of compassion.

Blessed are they who stop running the race to help a fellow traveler, who pick up the fallen, who stop for injured life, for they shall know the kindness of strangers.

Blessed are they who wildly, boldly abandon winning, for they shall know the path of justice.

Prayer for the Week

Blessed are they who fall in the mud, who jump with gusto and rip the pants, who skin the elbows, and bruise the ego, for they shall know the sweetness of risk.

Blessed are they who make giant mistakes, whose intentions are good but impact has injured, who know the hot sense of regret and ask for mercy, for their hearts will know the gift of forgiveness.

Blessed are they who have seen a D or an F or C or any letter less than perfect, who are painfully familiar with the red pen and the labels as “less than,” for they know the wisdom in the imperfect.

Blessed are they who try again, who dust off, who wash up, who extend the wish for peace, who return to sites of failure, who are dogged in their pursuit, for they will discover the secret to dreams.

Blessed are they who refuse to listen to the naysayers, for their hearts will be houses for hope.

Blessed are they who see beyond the surface of another, for they will be able to delight in the gift of compassion.

Blessed are they who stop running the race to help a fellow traveler, who pick up the fallen, who stop for injured life, for they shall know the kindness of strangers.

Blessed are they who wildly, boldly abandon winning, for they shall know the path of justice.

– A Blessing for Risk-Takers and Failures By Robin Tanner
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